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Indonesian Institution Announces 10 Israeli Products That Must Be Boycotted Starting Ramadan 2024 - The Indonesian Muslim Consumer Foundation (YKMI) calls on Muslims and Muslim consumers in the country to actively avoid using products affiliated with Israel starting from this Ramadan. 

The boycott movement is known as the #RamadhanWithoutGenocide movement. 

 call is made as a commitment to following the recommendation of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), which urges Muslims to refrain from using products produced by companies affiliated with Israel.

In response to this, YKMI held a dialogue titled "Ramadhan Without Genocide" in Jakarta on Friday, 15th March 2024. 

This dialogue was a manifestation of solidarity among Indonesian Muslim consumers. Several speakers attended the dialogue, including the Executive Director of YKMI, Ahmad Himawan, Muslim activist Zahra, and Muslim lawyer Ahmad Wakil Kamal.

During the dialogue, Ahmad Himawan emphasised that YKMI supports and continues MUI's recommendation to observe #RamadhanWithoutGenocide. 

Based on YKMI's internal analysis and research, trustworthy sites that Muslim consumers in Indonesia can refer to are Boycott.Thewitness and Bdnaash. 

"There are ten products considered affiliated with Israel, namely Starbucks, Danone, Nestle, Zara, Kraft Heinz, Unilever, Coca Cola Group, McDonalds, Mondelez, Burger King, and Israeli dates. Products from these brands should be avoided or boycotted starting from Ramadan 1445 Hijriah. Muslim consumers should use alternative products as substitutes," said Ahmad in a press release received by JakartaHerald on Saturday, 16th March 2024.

Himawan explained three criteria that identify these products as affiliated with Israel or genocide products. Some of these products are entirely produced in Indonesia. 

Firstly, some or all shares are owned by Israeli companies or individuals. Secondly, the company openly or implicitly supports Israel and its crimes in Palestine. 

"Thirdly, they are listed on credible international sites that have data on global companies affiliated with Israel, such as Boycott.Thewitness and Bdnaash," said Ahmad.

In addition to the ten affiliated products mentioned by YKMI, there are other genocide products regularly consumed by the public, such as KFC, Pizza Hut, and P&G. He also assured the people of Indonesia that they can check the validity of information directly through the websites and

YKMI believes that boycotting affiliated products brings benefits for humanitarian values and the struggle of Palestine. 

YKMI also accuses certain groups associated with Israeli-affiliated products of trying to sabotage the boycott movement. 

"YKMI believes that this boycott will bring more benefits to humanity than the negative effects that are being exaggerated to undermine this movement. For example, claims that unemployment will increase due to this boycott," said Ahmad.

Ahmad believes that since the emergence of the boycott of Israeli-affiliated products, there has been a significant shift towards using national products by consumers.

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