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Indonesian Election: The Reason the US Hasn't Congratulated Prabowo, Indonesia's New Presidential Candidate - The White House, the iconic residence of the President of the United States, has received the latest updates regarding the Indonesian presidential election.

 However, they have opted for a cautious approach before extending their congratulations to candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto. 

The White House has made it clear that they will only offer their well wishes at the appropriate time, namely when the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) officially announces the winner of the 2024 Presidential Election.

Reports from VOA suggest that Prabowo, a former Army General in the Indonesian National Armed Forces, has faced restrictions from entering the US due to allegations of human rights violations. 

In a recent briefing at the White House, National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby stated, "We will convey our congratulations at the right time. I cannot provide a specific date or time as the results are yet to be finalised. We respect the voices of the Indonesian people."

Initial projections from various survey agencies indicate that Prabowo is currently leading against his opponents, Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo, securing more than 50% of the votes and potentially avoiding a second round of elections. 

However, the official results from the KPU will not be disclosed until the following month. Despite this, Prabowo has already declared victory, expressing his gratitude to thousands of supporters in Jakarta, the capital city, referring to the win as a triumph for Indonesia as a whole.

The stance taken by the White House reflects a diplomatic and prudent approach towards these election developments, emphasising the importance of awaiting the formal verdict from the KPU before issuing any definitive statements. 

By acknowledging the significance of respecting the Indonesian people's choice, the White House demonstrates a commitment to honouring democratic values and ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process.

In essence, the White House's message exudes professionalism and impartiality, steering clear of interference in Indonesia's internal politics while recognising the vital role of democratic institutions in shaping the country's future.

 Through maintaining a respectful distance and adhering to international diplomatic norms, the White House underscores its dedication to handling sensitive political matters with tact and diplomacy.

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